Saturday, November 19, 2011


When the Israelite people were slaves in Egypt they worked every day. When the sun came up they started making bricks and they continued making bricks until the sun went down. In Egypt your worth as a person was based on how many bricks you could make. You had to meet the quota.

Then God liberates the people of Israel. He sees the oppression that they are living under and He does something about it. So they are led up to the base of a mountain. And on that mountain God gives this command, to take a day out of the week and rest from working because in the creation story God took a day and rested.

This command is a reminder of creation.

On God's mountain your worth is not based on how many bricks you can make.

On God's mountain you have inherit worth as a part of God's creation.

You rest because God rested, and the creation story reminds you that you are created in God's image.

We still need the Sabbath. We still need to be reminded that we are human beings not human doings. We need to know that our worth comes not from our bankroll, our social status or our achievements. Our worth comes from God.

Grace and Peace

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